Corporate America and Caregiving - Stella Nsong, RN, CMC, LTCP

Stella Nsong

Corporate America and Caregiving is the number one employee elder care assistance program that offers onsite work place seminars, virtual employee family caregiver workshops, virtual family caregiver support groups, self-paced online courses on caregiving, telephone elder care consultations, work life balance, self-care and long term care planning. The program is designed to support employees who are family caregivers.

The Goal of Corporate America & Caregiving is four pronged;

  1. To offer employers a platform through which they can help and support their employees who are family caregivers with the challenging and complex role of family caregiving.
  2. To reduce absenteeism, loss productivity and higher health insurance cost associated with family caregiving.
  3. To offer training and education to middle managers and human resource personnel responsible for supervising employees who are family caregivers.
  4. To provide an emergency caregiving system as an employee benefit to support employees with caregiving crisis.

You can reach me at: (833) 603-0022 or go to the Contact page and submit a request.

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